Why Time Savvy Planners Are Opting for Reposite's AI Proposal Builder


For planners, the process of creating proposals for clients includes juggling multiple planning tools. The steps usually go like this: reading contract details, quote pricing information, rereading supplier websites and socials, as well as their conversations.

Tool hopping to create a tailor-made proposal takes hours of unnecessary research, so we’re changing it up. 

Enter our not-so-secret weapon: the AI-powered proposal builder. Integrated with ChatGPT, this feature takes the hassle of customizing and rereading all of this information, churning out tailor-made proposals faster than you can say, "Let's book it." 

Here's the lowdown on how easy it is to use this new tool on Reposite:

  1. Add to Proposal Link:

   Spot the "Add to Proposal" link in your quote, and voila! With a click, your selected supplier seamlessly becomes part of the proposal-building magic.

  1. Automated Overview Draft:

   Our AI isn't just about supplier inclusion; it's a wordsmith too. It crafts a first draft of your proposal overview by blending your RFP details, quote messaging, and the supplier's profile.

  1. Customized Proposals in a Flash:
       The outcome? A fully customized first draft that captures the event requirements of your event or trip specifics.




This is an exclusive AI perk for Reposite Pro members!

   Great tools for great planning. That's why our AI proposal builder is a Pro member exclusive. If you're ready to upgrade and try out this feature, head here. If you're ready to start your AI powered planning and learn more about Reposite, connect with our team!



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